Schedule an Appointment

*Please fill in all the required fields.

Do you have an order from a physician and want to schedule an appointment?



In order to assure you are getting the test your physician requires, it is important that you have the order. Please contact your physician to obtain an order so you can be scheduled properly.


Aultman Wait Times

Choose Immediate Care for colds/flu, sprains/strains and other minor injury/illness.

Go to the ER for major concerns and trauma. Call 911 for chest pain and stroke symptoms.


Preparing for Your Surgery

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Location Finder

Here's your guide to finding any of the facilities in the Aultman family of health services, including maps and contacts. 

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Need a Doctor?

Aultman's network of providers is committed to high-quality patient care.

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Schedule an Appointment

Click below to complete an online form. 


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Donate Today

You can help support and enhance services, and in turn, help patients and their families who benefit from care received at Aultman.

Pre-Surgery Appointments

Before Your Procedure

Surgery scheduling staff will call you a few days before surgery to gather your information.

You will be asked for the following information:

  • Patient’s name, address and phone number.
  • Patient’s Social Security number.
  • Employer information.
  • Health insurance information.
  • Spouse and/or emergency contact information.
  • Children and other patients who cannot sign legal documents must have their legal guardian or durable power of attorney for health care accompany them to surgery. Make sure you bring appropriate legal documents.

Preprocedure Appointments and Nurse Phone Calls

Most patients need to be seen in person for preadmission testing prior to their surgery.

  • Lab work/EKG will be done if ordered by surgeon/anesthesia.
  • A nurse phone interview may take the place of an in-person appointment, when appropriate.

Bring the following to your preprocedure appointment:

  • All of your medications in their original containers, including vitamins and herbal products, or a list of everything you are taking.
  • List of prior procedures.
  • List of the special doctors you see and what they treat you for.
  • Any implant cards you may have for surgical implants (i.e., defibrillators, stents, pacemakers).

Please note:

  • If you have had an EKG or chest X-ray in the past six months somewhere other than an Aultman facility, please have the results faxed to the appropriate Aultman Pretest department before your pretest appointment.

    Aultman Hospital – 330-438-9809
    Aultman Alliance Community Hospital – 330-954-0679
    Aultman Orrville Hospital – 330-684-4704
  • If you are not ordered a pretest appointment, you will receive a phone call from a nurse to review your medical and surgical history.
  • Have any ordered testing completed at least five days before your surgery date. For your convenience, these tests can be done at any Aultman location, and no appointment is needed.
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Location Finder

Here's your guide to finding any of the facilities in the Aultman family of health services, including maps and contacts. 

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Need a Doctor?

Aultman's network of providers is committed to high-quality patient care.

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Schedule an Appointment

Click below to complete an online form. 


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Donate Today

You can help support and enhance services, and in turn, help patients and their families who benefit from care received at Aultman.

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