Aultman Wait Times

Choose Immediate Care for colds/flu, sprains/strains and other minor injury/illness.

Go to the ER for major concerns and trauma. Call 911 for chest pain and stroke symptoms.


Medical Services

Support Services

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Location Finder

Here's your guide to finding any of the facilities in the Aultman family of health services, including maps and contacts. 

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Need a Doctor?

Aultman's network of providers is committed to high-quality patient care.

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Schedule an Appointment

Click below to complete an online form. 


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Donate Today

You can help support and enhance services, and in turn, help patients and their families who benefit from care received at Aultman.

Preventative Medicine

Below are the most current preventative medicine trials Aultman has to offer. To learn more about a specific trial, please click the trial number below the trial sponsor in the table below.

Trial Sponsor


Study Type



Intervention Type

Population Health Research Institute - The Fourth Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Study: (LAAOS-4)



Patients with A-Fib who are at a high risk of ischemic stroke or systemic embolism


Interventional Endovascular LAA occlusion with WATCHMAN FLX device with anticoagulation vs anticoagulation alone

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Location Finder

Here's your guide to finding any of the facilities in the Aultman family of health services, including maps and contacts. 

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Need a Doctor?

Aultman's network of providers is committed to high-quality patient care.

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Schedule an Appointment

Click below to complete an online form. 


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Donate Today

You can help support and enhance services, and in turn, help patients and their families who benefit from care received at Aultman.

What's Happening