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St. Patricks Day 2

Ten Tips for Drinking Responsibly on St. Patrick’s Day

It’s almost time to celebrate all things Irish! In the United States, the tradition of toasting St. Patrick’s Day with green beer goes back to at least 1914, when Irish American Dr. Thomas Hayes Curtin invented the colorful drink for a St. Patrick's Day party in the Bronx, New York.

Whether you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with green beer or the traditional Guinness or Irish whiskey – or don’t drink alcohol at all – keep yourself and others safe by being smart about alcohol.

Here are 10 tips to keep in mind:

  • The safest course of action is not to drink at all. Choose nonalcoholic beer or mocktails for this year’s celebration.

  • Never drink and drive. Make arrangements in advance with a ride-sharing service or choose a designated driver who does not drink alcohol.

  • Set a safe limit for yourself before you start drinking. You would be surprised at how quickly alcohol affects your decision making, even if you don’t feel intoxicated.

  • When considering how much to drink, be aware that a standard-sized drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or one shot of hard liquor in a mixed drink.

  • Don’t drink on an empty stomach. Food can help slow alcohol absorption, and it may also minimize stomach irritation and gastrointestinal distress the next day.

  • Do not drink alcohol if you are taking medications – even if you plan to take medication several hours before or several hours after you drink.

  • If you are hosting, stay sober so that you can act responsibly throughout the event.

  • Offer plenty of nonalcoholic beverage choices – and never allow underage drinking.

  • Serve plenty of healthy snacks.

  • Help your guests get home safely. Do not allow anyone who has had alcohol to get behind the wheel of a car.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Mothers Against Drunk Driving

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