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Back To School Stress

Parents: Keep Calm This Back-to-School Season

Book bags are almost packed, first day outfits are almost picked out and, ready or not, school buses are right around the corner. As the first day of school looms closer, parents are already beginning to feel the pressure of gathering supplies, getting sleep schedules in order and preparing for a hectic morning routine. Some common pressure points many parents feel include:

  • Getting back into a school/morning routine as summer ends.
  • Getting children ready and out-the-door in time for school.
  • Encouraging children to do their homework after school lets out.
  • Re-establishing the bedtime routine.
  • Packing healthy school lunches.

With a few days or weeks left before class is back in session, there is still time to help transition your family from a lax summer schedule to a more structured routine. Take this prime opportunity to make a few of the changes below.

Set Schedules
Between work hours, school bus pick-up times and after-school activities, your family will be running full force throughout the next few months. Take a little time to work out a schedule that will accommodate everyone’s needs. Organizing everyone’s schedules before the start of the school year will help create reasonable goals for the family and will also help to identify certain days and times when it may be necessary to ask friends or family members for a little extra help.

Start School Shopping Early
According to the National Research Federation’s Back-To-School survey, total spending for school and college combined reached $83.6 billion just a few short years ago. Families with school-aged children spend an average of $687 on each child to equip them with school clothes and supplies before the school year begins. In order to offset this cost, create a list of essential items and spread out shopping over a few weeks to avoid trying to absorb the full cost into the family budget all at once.

Share the Responsibility
The start of a new school year is a great time to work with your student to establish new responsibilities. Maybe this year is the perfect opportunity for your fourth grader to start packing her own lunch, or maybe your teenager is ready to start driving the car to school. Work together as a family to decide who will be responsible for what activities – involving the whole family in these discussions will help to encourage students to take an active role in making sure their assigned tasks are completed.

Focus on the Positive
Even the most confident student, from kindergarten all the way through high school, can be nervous about beginning a new school year. Issues such as making friends in a new classroom and concerns about new subjects of study can make anyone nervous. Take some time over the next few weeks to talk to your student about his or her concerns and use this time to remind him of his strengths and talents. Try to stay positive about the new school year to help encourage the same attitude in your student.

Once you’ve taken a little time to prepare, it’s time to kick back, relax and enjoy the rest of the summer. With a little extra time to relax, you’ll be ready to greet the first day back to school refreshed and ready to go!

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