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Womens Health and Fitness 2

Overcome Barriers to Being Active

Today, we celebrate National Women’s Health and Fitness Day! Have you ever noticed how much better you feel after taking a brisk walk? Physical activity helps you immediately feel better, function better and sleep better.

And, developing a regular fitness habit – just 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week – can help you manage your weight, reduce your risk for chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, strengthen your bones and muscles and increase your chances of living longer.

But with family, friends and work competing for your time, there are so many things that can get in the way of staying active. Here are tips to help you overcome those barriers and improve your health.

Finding Time to Exercise

Combine physical activity with your everyday tasks, such as completing household chores or walking the dog. If you take the kids to sports practice, take a walk while they are supervised. At work, take walking breaks. If you don’t have 30 minutes to be active, look for three 10-minute periods. Try exercising first thing in the morning before your day fills up with other activities.

Sticking With Your Exercise Plan

Make exercise interesting and enjoyable. Do things you like, but don’t fall into a dull routine. Add intensity and try new activities so that you don’t get bored. If you can keep active for at least six months, you’ve made great progress toward ensuring that physical activity is a regular habit.

Exercising Without Spending Money

Being active doesn’t have to be expensive! For brisk walking, you just need a pair of comfortable, nonskid shoes. For strength training, make your own weights using soup cans or water bottles. Check with your local parks and recreation department or senior center about free or low-cost exercise programs.

Increasing Your Energy

Regular, moderate physical activity can help reduce fatigue and even help you manage stress. Exercise can also reduce feelings of depression while improving your mood and overall emotional well-being. Once you become active, you’re likely to have more energy than before. As you do more, you also may notice that you can do things more easily, faster and for longer than before.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institutes of Health

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