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Spring Time Change 3

Adjusting to Daylight Saving Time

Clocks spring forward an hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9, for the switch to daylight saving time. For many of us, losing an hour of sleep makes adjusting to the spring time change especially difficult.

And with the abrupt switch to daylight saving time, we may suddenly experience less light in the mornings – just when we were getting used to earlier sunrises. Waking up in the dark can be challenging because our brain thinks it’s nighttime and signals our bodies to continue sleeping. We may feel groggy and not completely alert at the start of the day.

Shifting the clock forward by one hour also means extending more daylight into evening hours. The longer evening light could cause us to have trouble falling asleep at our normal time.

Here are tips for adjusting:

  • Gradually change your sleep schedule in the week leading up to the time change by going to bed about 15 minutes earlier each day.

  • Gradually adjust the timing of your meals and other routine moments in your daily schedule, if possible, in the week before the time change.

  • Get quality sleep in the weeks leading up to the time change.

  • Spend as much time in natural light as possible in the days following the time change to allow your body’s internal clock to adjust to the new timing of daylight and darkness. Take advantage of the evening light to enjoy time outdoors with friends and family.

  • Go easy on yourself in the days after the time change. Keep a light schedule in the few days after daylight saving time begins. Plan for important meetings and events to take place later in the week.

Healthy Sleep Habits

Now is the time to review your sleep habits to make sure you’re doing everything you can to get a good night’s sleep:

  • Go to sleep and get up at the same time each day, even on weekends or when you are traveling.

  • Exercise at regular times each day but not within three hours of your bedtime.

  • Maintain a healthy diet.

  • Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime.

  • Stay away from caffeine and alcohol late in the day.

  • Avoid napping in the late afternoon or evening, if you can. Naps may keep you awake at night.

  • Keep your bedroom quiet, relaxing and at a cool temperature.

  • Turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

  • Try not to watch television or use your computer, smart phone or tablet in the bedroom. The light may make it difficult to fall asleep. Alarming or unsettling programs or movies may keep you awake.

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