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Choose Immediate Care for colds/flu, sprains/strains and other minor injury/illness.

Go to the ER for major concerns and trauma. Call 911 for chest pain and stroke symptoms.


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Benefits of Community

Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day – Connect With Your Community

People of a certain age may remember a kind-hearted man on television who talked and sang to children every day. Fred Rogers, known simply as Mr. Rogers, invited his audience to be his neighbor and welcomed them into his home. Mr. Rogers spoke plainly to his audience about how to navigate a world that could sometimes be scary and inspire difficult feelings. But Mr. Rogers was always ready to welcome a stranger and take time to get to know them.

It turns out, Mr. Rogers may have been on to something! Being a part of your community can have a positive influence on your mental health as well as your physical health. Making connections with your neighbors and fellow citizens can help decrease depression and anxiety. Social connection can also reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes while giving your immune system a boost.

Why is this important? The brains of human beings are wired to live in social groups. People who lose their sense of community can experience feelings of isolation and loneliness. Being connected to your friends and neighbors can help with:

  • Creating a sense of belonging
  • Providing support
  • Finding a purpose

Connection gives people the opportunity to provide support and acceptance to others, as well as receive support and acceptance from others.

If you are looking for ways to feel connected to your community, think about places or groups that align with your interests, values or beliefs. If you enjoy certain hobbies or activities, try to find a group that you can join. Are there certain causes you support? Perhaps look into a charitable organization that needs your help. Is there a church or temple that supports your religious beliefs?

Remember, everyone needs a few strong connections in their lives to feel safe, supported and loved. And everyone has something they can contribute to their communities. Reaching out to a neighbor today can start building that important connection.

National Alliance on Mental Illness
Psychology Today

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Here's your guide to finding any of the facilities in the Aultman family of health services, including maps and contacts. 

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