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National Poison Prevention Month

Protect Your Pet from Household Poisons

Established by Congress in 1961, National Poison Prevention Week is a good reminder to protect all family members – whether they walk on two legs or are covered in fur – from toxic substances that may be lurking in our homes.

To help pet owners identify common hazards, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) recently published their top 10 reported pet toxins for 2024. This data is based on annual calls received at the Animal Poison Control Center and is a helpful guide for pet owners who want to protect curious pets from dangerous substances. Keep reading to learn the most common household hazards and tips to keep your pet safe.


While they may be helpful to the humans in your household, over-the-counter and prescription medications often pose a significant risk to our pets. Be sure to store vitamins, supplements, pain medications and all prescriptions securely. If any spills happen, carefully clean the area to make sure all capsules and liquids are cleared away.


Though chocolate is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to accidental pet poisoning, there are other hazards that could be hiding in the kitchen. Before sharing any morsels, be sure to check for ingredients like xylitol, grapes, raisins, onions or garlic. And if you are unsure of what foods can be safely shared, reach out to your vet for more information.


While house plants and gardens are beautiful to look at, some popular flora can be harmful – and even deadly – to cats and dogs. Before bringing new plants into your home, it’s a good idea to check if any part of the plant will pose a threat to your pets.

Household Products

The same products used to keep our homes clean and safe can be harmful to our pets. Though you may keep your pet away while doing both indoor and outdoor chores, it’s important to remember that dogs and cats can absorb toxins through their paw pads or may accidentally ingest them when licking their paws, bedding or toys.

No matter how careful we are, accidents can happen. Dogs and cats are curious by nature and may ingest a harmful substance despite our best efforts to keep them safe. If you suspect your pet has ingested something harmful, the most important thing to do is to stay calm! Then, contact your vet, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435) or the Pet Poison Helpline (1-855-764-7661) as soon as possible. Be prepared to share your pet’s breed, age and weight, along with the substance that was ingested, approximately how much was ingested and when the exposure occurred.

Your home should be a safe space for your pets, too! With a few extra precautions, you can greatly decrease the chances that your pet will fall victim to accidental poisoning.


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