2nd Annual Aultman Alliance Community Hospital
Golf Classic

Monday, June 10, 2024

Alliance Country Club
725 E Milton St.
Alliance, OH 44601

Gather your foursome and join us for an 18-hole scramble supporting Aultman Alliance Community Hospital. The event will be held at Alliance Country Club with lunch and registration beginning at 11:00 a.m. and shotgun start at noon. A full dinner will be served at the conclusion of the round and will include prizes.

Sponsorships, including hole sponsors, are available through this online form. Once finalized, please send any artwork for sponsorship, team names and emails or questions to Connie Jones at [email protected].

Step 1: Select Registration Options

Registration Options  Contact Information  Verification   Payment

  Title Sponsorship Includes: Golf Foursome; Super Ticket; Hole Sponsor; Logo on all signage and marketing materials; Opportunity to provide item and/or materials to be placed on participants golf cart– must be approved in advance; Opportunity to welcome the golf members or speak at dinner; Announcements throughout the event recognizing your support.  
  Silver sponsorship includes: Golf Foursome; Super Ticket; Hole Sponsor; Logo on all signage and marketing materials; Opportunity to provide item and/or materials to be placed on participants golf cart– must be approved in advance.  
  Bronze sponsorship includes: Golf Foursome; Super Ticket; Hole Sponsor; Logo on all signage and marketing materials.  
  The Munchy Mobile Sponsorship provides soft drinks and snacks to players on the course. This sponsorship includes: Hole Sponsor; Logo on Munchy cart; Logo on all signage and marketing materials.  
  Name and logo of your company will be displayed on the course. Please email logos to Connie Jones at [email protected].  
  Includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch, dinner and prizes for four golfers. Please be sure to email Connie Jones at [email protected] the names and emails of your players once finalized.  
  The Super Ticket includes: Team Skins Prize entry; Proxy Prize Entry for all golfers (longest drive, longest putt); Putting Contest Entry for all golfers (one putt each).  
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